أشياء في الشارع بالانجليزية || Street [القاموس الناطق المصور]

ابحث عن معنى أي كلمة

جولة في وسط المدينة

City center tour

إشارات المرور

Traffic lights

Traffic lights control traffic at intersections.

إشارات المرور Traffic lights Traffic lights control traffic at intersections.
أعمدة إنارة الشوارع


Streetlights illuminate the road at night.

أعمدة إنارة الشوارع Streetlights Streetlights illuminate the road at night.
مصابيح إنارة الشوارع


The streetlamps lit up the dark road as we walked.

مصابيح إنارة الشوارع Streetlamps The streetlamps lit up the dark road as we walked.
مضخة الإطفاء

Fire hydrant

Fire hydrants provide water for firefighting.

خراطيم الإطفاء Fire hydrants Fire hydrants provide water for firefighting.
اشارة التوقف

Stop sign

Stop signs require drivers to stop before proceeding.

اشارة التوقف Stop sign Stop signs require drivers to stop before proceeding.
علامة السرعة القصوى

Speed limit sign

Speed limit signs indicate maximum speed.

علامة السرعة القصوى Speed limit sign Speed limit signs indicate maximum speed.
علامة عدم التوقف

No parking sign

No parking signs disallow parking.

علامة عدم التوقف No parking sign No parking signs disallow parking.
علامات الشوارع

Street signs

The street signs helped us navigate through the city.

علامات الشوارع Street signs
موقف الحافلات

Bus stop

Bus stops are for picking up and dropping off passengers.

موقف الحافلات Bus stop Bus stops are for picking up and dropping off passengers.
السيارات المتوقفة

Parked cars

Parked cars are vehicles not being driven.

السيارات المتوقفة Parked cars Parked cars are vehicles not being driven.
صندوق القمامة

Trash can

Trash cans are for garbage disposal.

صناديق القمامة Trash cans Trash cans are for garbage disposal.
صناديق إعادة التدوير

Recycling bins

Recycling bins are for recycling materials.

صناديق إعادة التدوير Recycling bins Recycling bins are for recycling materials.
صندوق البريد


Mailboxes are for sending and receiving mail.

صندوق البريد Mailbox Mailboxes are for sending and receiving mail.
أرفف الصحف

Newspaper stands


Newspaper stands sell newspapers/magazines.

أرفف الصحف Newspaper stands Newspaper stands sell newspapers/magazines.
المقاعد العامة

Public benches

Public benches provide seating for anyone.

المقاعد العامة Public benches Public benches provide seating for anyone.
فنانو الشوارع

Street performers

Street performers entertain passersby.

فنانو الشوارع Street performers Street performers entertain passersby.
بائعو الطعام

Food vendors

Food vendors sell food/beverages.

بائعو الطعام Food vendors Food vendors sell food/beverages.
بائعو الشوارع

Street vendors

Street vendors sell goods or services.

بائع متجول Vendor
عربة طعام الشارع

Cart food

I love to grab some cart food when I'm walking around the city.

عربة طعام الشارع Cart food I love to grab some cart food when I'm walking around the city.
عربات الطعام

Food trucks

Food trucks are mobile restaurants.

عربات الطعام Food trucks Food trucks are mobile restaurants.
الحمامات العامة

Public restrooms

Public toilet

Public restrooms are for public use.

الحمامات العامة Public restrooms Public toilet Public restrooms are for public use.
الكتابة على الجدران


Graffiti is writing/drawings on walls/surfaces.

الكتابة على الجدران Graffiti Graffiti is writing/drawings on walls/surfaces.
حُفر الطريق


Potholes are road holes that damage vehicles.

حُفر الطريق Potholes Potholes are road holes that damage vehicles.
أعمال الطرق


Roadwork is construction/repair on a road.

أعمال الطرق Roadwork Roadwork is construction/repair on a road.
شوارع تقاطعية


Cross streets


Cross streets intersect with another street.

شوارع تقاطعية Cross streets Cross streets intersect with another street.
مسارات السيارات

Street lanes

Car lanes are designated lanes for vehicles.

مسارات السيارات Street lanes Car lanes are designated lanes for vehicles.
كاميرات المراقبة في الشوارع

Street cameras

Street cameras monitor public spaces.

كاميرات المراقبة في الشوارع Street cameras Street cameras monitor public spaces.
كاميرات رصد السرعة

Speed cameras

Yield signs require giving right-of-way.

كاميرات رصد السرعة Speed cameras
حاجز الطريق

Road barrier

The road barrier blocked off the construction zone.

حاجز الطريق Road barrier The road barrier blocked off the construction zone.
الأقماع المرورية

Traffic cones

Traffic cones mark off areas for construction/traffic control.

الأقماع المرورية Traffic cones Traffic cones mark off areas for construction/traffic control.
مطبات لتخفيف السرعة

Speed bumps

Speed bumps slow down traffic.

مطبات صغيرة لتخفيف السرعة Speed bumps Speed bumps slow down traffic.
غطاء الصرف الصحي

Manhole cover

Manhole covers are covers for underground utilities.

غطاء الصرف الصحي Manhole cover Manhole covers are covers for underground utilities.
شبكات الصرف

Drainage grates

Drainage grates cover drainage systems.

شبكات الصرف Drainage grates Drainage grates cover drainage systems.
الهواتف العامة

Public phones

Public phones are for public use.

الهواتف العامة Public phones Public phones are for public use.
كابينة الهاتف العمومي

Phone booth

Phone booths are enclosed telephone booths.

كابينة الهاتف العمومي Phone booth Phone booths are enclosed telephone booths.
ماكينة الصراف الآلي

ATM machine

Newsstands sell newspapers/magazines.

ماكينة الصراف الآلي ATM machine Newsstands sell newspapers/magazines.
حادث سيارة

Car accident

There was a car accident on the highway this morning.

حادث سيارة Car accident
ممر عبور المشاة


Crosswalks provide a safe place to cross the street.

المشاة Pedestrians Pedestrians are people walking along the street.ممر عبور المشاة Crosswalk Crosswalks provide a safe place to cross the street.
ممر المشاة.

Zebra crossing

Zebra crossings are crosswalks with white stripes.

ممرات الرصيف. Zebra crossings Zebra crossings are crosswalks with white stripes.


Sidewalks provide a safe walking path for pedestrians.

الرصيف Sidewalk Sidewalks provide a safe walking path for pedestrians.
الأماكن المفتوحة للجلوس.

Outdoor seating

Outdoor seating is seating for restaurants/cafes on the sidewalk.

الأماكن المفتوحة للجلوس. Outdoor seating Outdoor seating is seating for restaurants/cafes on the sidewalk.
الحدائق العامة

Public gardens

Public gardens are for public enjoyment/relaxation.

الحدائق العامة Public gardens Public gardens are for public enjoyment/relaxation.
منطقة مواقف السيارات

Parking area

The parking area was full, so we had to park a few away.

منطقة مواقف السيارات Parking area The parking area was full, so we had to park a few away.
مواقف خاصة بذوي الإعاقة

Disabled parking

Disabled parking spots are for people with disabilities.

مواقف خاصة بذوي الإعاقة Disabled parking Disabled parking spots are for people with disabilities.
ميدان عام

Public square

There is a public square in the city center.

ميدان عام Public square There is a public square in the city center.
حي / مقاطعة


I live in this district.

حي / مقاطعة District I live in this district.
وسط البلد


Downtown is the city's central business district.

وسط البلد Downtown Downtown is the city's central business district.
شارع رئيسي

Main road

The main road was closed due to construction.

شارع رئيسي Main road The main road was closed due to construction.
طريق سريع



We took the motorway to get to the airport quickly.

طريق سريع Motorway Highway We took the motorway to get to the airport quickly.
ازدحام مروري

Traffic jam

We were late for our appointment because of a traffic jam.

ازدحام مروري Traffic jam We were late for our appointment because of a traffic jam.
لوحة اعلانات


The billboard advertised the latest movie release.

لوحة اعلانات Billboard
لافتة الشارع

Street banner

The street banner announced the upcoming festival.

لافتة الشارع Street banner
ناصية الشارع

Street corner

We waited at the street corner for the bus to arrive.

ناصية الشارع Street corner We waited at the street corner for the bus to arrive.
الشوارع الجانبية.


Sidestreets are smaller streets branching off main roads.

الشوارع الجانبية. Side-street Sidestreets are smaller streets branching off main roads.


The alley was dark at night.

زقاق Alley The alley was dark at night.


We drove through a long tunnel on our way to the mountains.

نفق Tunnel
طريق دوار


I missed the turn on the roundabout because I was distracted.

طريق دوار Roundabout I missed the turn on the roundabout because I was distracted.
فندق على جانب الطريق

Roadside motel

We stayed at a roadside motel during our road trip.

فندق على جانب الطريق Roadside motel We stayed at a roadside motel during our road trip.
مطعم على جانب الطريق.

Roadside diner

Roadside diners are restaurants along the road.

مطعم على جانب الطريق. Roadside diner Roadside diners are restaurants along the road.
محطة الوقود

Gas station

Gas stations provide fuel for vehicles.

محطة الوقود Gas station Gas stations provide fuel for vehicles.
مقاهي الرصيف

Sidewalk cafes

Sidewalk cafes have seating on the sidewalk.

مقاهي الرصيف Sidewalk cafes Sidewalk cafes have seating on the sidewalk.
محطات غسيل السيارات

Car washes

Car washes clean cars.

محطات غسيل السيارات Car washes Car washes clean cars.

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