Proverbs & Idioms
اضغط علامة للاستماع
Rome, was not built in a Day
Spare the Rod, and spoil the Child
Talk of the Devil, and he is sure to appear
The darkest Hour, is that before the Dawn
The Leopard, cannot change, its Spots
The way to the Man's Heart is through his Stomach
Those who live in Glass Houses should not throw Stones
Time is Money
Union is Strength
Walls have ears
When Poverty comes in at the door, Love goes out from the window
When Cat is a way, the Mice play
When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do
A bad Workman, Blames His Tools
A Bird in the hand, Worth two in the bush
A burnt Child, dreads Fire
A cock crows on his own Dunghill
a fox is not taken Twice, in the same snare
A Hungry Man is An Angry Man
A little Knowledge is a dangerous thing