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العادات اليومية بالإنجليزية ||Daily Habits [القاموس الناطق المصور]

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العادات اليومية

Daily Habits



I take a shower once or twice a day to refresh.

الاستحمام Bathing I take a shower once or twice a day to refresh.
تفريش الأسنان

Brushing my teeth

I brush my teeth for at least two minutes.

Brushing my teeth I brush my teeth for at least two minutes.
حلاقة الذقن

Beard shaving

I usually shave twice a week.

حلاقة الذقن Beard shaving I usually shave twice a week.

Doing ablution

I do ablution to prepare for prayer.

الوضوء Doing ablution I do ablution to prepare for prayer.
أداء الصلاة

Performing prayer

I perform prayers five times a day.

أداء الصلاة Performing prayer I perform prayers five times a day.


I seek nearness to God by praying for me and the Muslims.

الدعاء Praying I seek nearness to God by praying for me and the Muslims.
مشاهدة التلفاز

Watching TV

After work, I spend some time watching TV.

مشاهدة التلفاز Watching TV After work, I spend some time watching TV.
تصفح الانترنت

Surfing the internet

Browsing the internet

I surf the internet sometimes in the evening.

تصفح الانترنت Surfing the internet Browsing the internet I surf the internet sometimes in the evening.
تناول وجبة

Having a meal

I usually eat oatmeal and fruits for breakfast.

تناول وجبة Having a meal I usually eat oatmeal and fruits for breakfast.
تناول مشروب

Having a drink

I drink coffee to have a quick energy boost.

تناول مشروب Having a drink I drink coffee to have a quick energy boost.
ارتداء الملابس

Getting dressed

It takes me 15 minutes a day to get dressed.

ارتداء الملابس Getting dressed It takes me 15 minutes a day to get dressed.
تصفيف الشعر


Hair brushing

Brush your hair and style it as desired.

تصفيف الشعر Combing Hair brushing Brush your hair and style it as desired.
التسوق للمنزل

Go shopping

I go shopping every weekend.

زبون Customer shopping
اطعام الحيوانات الأليفة

Feeding pets.

He is feeding his fish every night.

اطعام الحيوانات الأليفة Feeding pets. He is feeding his fish every night.
سقي النباتات

Watering plants

She is watering the plants on the balcony.

سقي النباتات Watering plants She is watering the plants on the balcony.


Planning is creating a roadmap to achieve a goal.

التخطيط Planning Planning is creating a roadmap to achieve a goal.
التمشية الصباحية

Morning walk

I go for a morning walk or jog every day.

رِياضة المشي Walking
تمشية الحيوانات الأليفة

Walking pets.

He is walking the dog in the park.

تمشية الحيوانات الأليفة Walking pets. He is walking the dog in the park.
ممارسة هواية

]]Doing a hobby

I do my hobby in my spare time.

ألعاب لوحية Board games
التواصل مع العائلة

Connect with family

I care about connect with my family.

التواصل مع العائلة Connect with family I care about connect with my family.


I always read a book before bed

القراءة Reading

Hanging out

I like to hang out in the evening with my friends.

التسكع Hanging out I like to hang out in the evening with my friends.
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