Proverbs & Idioms
اضغط علامة ▶️ للاستماع
Pen, Is mightier than, Sword
The Grass, is always Greener, On the other side
A living Dog, is better than, a dead Lion
A Secret between more than Two, is not Secret
A Tree is known by, it’s Fruit
Beggars can not be, Choosers
Blood, is thicker than, Water
By others faults wise men learn
Poor and content is rich enough
Smile, and while you smile, another will smile
A chain is only as strong, as its weakest link
There's no such thing, as a free lunch
Make Hay, While the Sun shines
More Haste , less Speed
Never trouble trouble, Till trouble troubles You
Of two Evils, Choose the Least
One Man's meat, is, another Man's poison
Old Habits Die Hard
Poverty, is no sin